What Does "Being a Manager" Really Mean?

by David Smith, CAE, Vice President, Compensation Services
Published June 6, 2024

Organizations often move the “best technician” into supervision or take their most efficient employee and expect them to “clone themselves” – usually without any training or support. Employees who were “one of the team” on Friday are expected to be “leaders of the pack” on Monday – with nothing more than a “personnel change notice” and a congratulatory memo (that may or may not be circulated to the team). New managers are often expected to correct all that was wrong in the past by reclaiming lost efficiencies and improving employee morale (based on unique initiatives or innovation demonstrated through their past accomplishments). Such an expectation (implementation of change without preparation for its initiation OR ramifications) is destined to fail. Any individual being considered for a move into leadership should be made fully aware of the following realities:


·       As a Supervisor, you are no longer a close friend with your past peers. You must confront and address the weaknesses you once accepted in others. You must praise good work, discipline to correct marginal performance, determine pay increases, and treat individuals equitably rather than equally. Rather than striving to be “popular,” the best testament of a successful transition into leadership is hearing that you are “consistent” or “predictable” in the decisions you make or the directions you give so that employees are not surprised or frustrated when you make a statement (or intentionally change course).

·       Accept the fact that some turnover may occur within your department when you take over. A new supervisor or leader creates change – and some employees do not accept change easily. Identify where you cannot afford turnover by taking steps to protect your vulnerabilities. When making decisions that might upset some, EVEN IF they know (or should already have known) there was a problem, be aware that people do not like to hear negatives or criticisms. Consider the fact that there may be one or two individuals within your new department that felt qualified to do your new job and may be resentful no matter what you do or how well you do it. There are many reasons that turnover can occur – it is your new role to anticipate it and attempt to prevent it before it becomes a negative.

·       You must embrace and communicate corporate direction, oversight, goals, and visions. It is your responsibility to show people not only where the organization is going but also how they are instrumental in completing the journey successfully. As an employee, you may have complained about “oppressive Company policies,” but as a manager, you must support and enforce these same policies as your own (unless or until they are changed).

·       Give credit for success while accepting blame for false starts and “learning experiences.”  A manager must often devalue their innate need for personal recognition by giving credit to employees for ideas they may have planted. He/she must encourage others to seek alternatives to a defined objective rather than telling employees exactly what to do (and how to do it). An effective leader must often accept the “pain” of failure or disruption so that all may share in the “gain” that success provides.

·       You must praise in shouts while criticizing in whispers – recognizing that as determined as you may be to do great things, you cannot make the journey alone. You must develop others behind you as you grow – being lifted towards the top upon their shoulders rather than using them as rungs to step upon as you climb the corporate ladder of success. Individuals rarely rise until a competent successor has been identified and developed to take over…unless one is willing to invest in their own future by working with and through others, an individual will rarely be promoted or moved into a different reality.

·       As a leader, you have greater responsibilities and are accountable for better results. You will take larger risks in order to gain potentially greater rewards. You must determine the direction not only for yourself but also for a group counting on you for guidance. You must administer and enforce the directives of others while remaining true to yourself. Should you disagree with a policy or directive, you CAN actively seek to modify it rather than blindly accepting it (in private) – BUT must publicly support it until changed.


The transition to leadership is not easy. Recognizing the potential risk (as well as the inevitable reward) when making the change, however, allows one to move forward with a sense of purpose. Identify a mentor or confidant with whom you can speak openly and honestly – seeking their assistance whenever necessary to resolve issues before they become problems – as you actualize your full leadership potential. Becoming someone or something that you WANT to be is the result of many small battles, concessions, and daily transitions, not the instant reward for all the past work you have done and the hours of sweat equity you have provided. Give us a call at 616.698.1167 (or drop us a note at [email protected]) to learn how we can help ease the transition from “doer” to “leader.”.