Make Every Day Great

by Brian Bacon, Director, Engagement Services
Published June 27, 2024


Everyone has good and bad days (though it may sometimes seem there are more bad days than good). An effective manager or supervisor can often determine if he/she – and the people being led – have good days or bad days at work. A leader sets the tone for the day and the department – you become it and it becomes you – and there are several proven techniques that can be used to maximize the good days while minimizing the bad that are both inexpensive AND highly effective, requiring just a bit of time, thought, and effort. Try these for “tips” and see if you are able to see and feel a difference in the way you think – which translates directly into how you live:


Walk through a grocery store with an angry look on your face then observe how people react. Seeing an angry individual usually causes people to look away – to avoid any form of connection – or to simply return the same sour expression you have painted on your face. Next, walk back through the store wearing a sincere smile. Make eye contact with those you see, occasionally nodding or reacting to how others look and act. You will find that most smile back, acknowledge you in some way, or even say hello. It is physiologically impossible for individuals not to react in some way to you and/or your projected moods so is it not better to have them respond positively than to foster and collect negative feedback? Controlling your appearance should not be a conscious thought process – it is simply a physiological response to a visual stimulus. When we see the difference in people’s interactions based on how we appear to them, it becomes apparent that our intentionally changing even one aspect of ourselves causes those around us to necessarily change. They have no choice – the die becomes set based on how you individually approach your day as a leader…negative thoughts and expressions can ruin a great day while positive energy can help to make every day great. 


A manager sets the tone for the workday. If you are having a bad day, and let it show, everyone around you will have a bad day. Leading with an unintentional attitude of loss will inevitably lead to more issues and problems (as avoidance becomes the “word of the day”) and everything that could go wrong seems to fulfill those expectations. On the other hand, if you are able to smile (even if only “outwardly”) and appear to be positive, things tend to go smoothly while being handled effectively and efficiently.


Say good morning (or good evening) to everybody with a smile. It only takes a few minutes to greet each person and have a BRIEF chat (DO NOT set up camp and “steal” time from those that are working). These few minutes set the tone for the entire day. Ask if there is anything they need or that you can do for them OR, on a personal note, if there is anything exciting going on today. A simple act of kindness…a small bit of attention…goes a long way in avoiding the compounding of issues between people and management. Talking establishes a more personal relationship with employees and provides an “open door” perception that encourages people to come to management with ideas, concerns, and questions more readily. 


Include your employees in your decision-making processes. Whenever a decision must be made that directly impacts the employees, seek out their thoughts and opinions. Since an employee DOING a job is most directly impacted by changes – and since they understand their job better than anyone else – they can have critical insights and potentially generate creative suggestions that can positively impact an organization. It does not matter whether solicited input changes the final decision or direction, just asking for individual input often changes employee perceptions of management and the company. By including an individual in the decision-making process, their unconscious response is that they feel included, trusted, empowered, and recognized – all responses that make for a good (if not a great) day.

A simple smile puts people at ease while making them feel safe, appreciated, and valued. ANY action management takes will elicit an unconscious equivalent response – either positive or negative. Recognizing the power one has to significantly change a perception or another individual’s outlook is a first step towards accomplishing much. Attitude (opinions, moods, and outward reactions) should remain on everyone’s “front burner” as it directly impacts and influences the thoughts, lives, and perceptions of so many around us. Seeking help? Give us a call at 616.698.1167 or send us a message at [email protected] to learn how and we can help. TEA has a number of ideas and resources to make every day great.