Virtual: Managing Employee Performance

Topic-Leadership | Module 7 from Core Leadership Skills series | Virtual Training

Managing Performance is not the leader’s responsibility alone; it is a shared responsibility between the employee and the leader. When both persons are clear and in agreement about goals and objectives, the process of managing performance is often easier and more successful. This workshop provides a systematic process to achieve results by developing the performance of individuals and teams.

Course Goal
Confidently manage performance to engage employees and achieve results.

Course Objectives
After completing this program, participants will be able to:

  • Recall the 4 elements of employee performance management
  • Write SMART goals
  • Monitor employee performance 
  • Develop staff capabilities to achieve goals
  • Recall tips for making performance reviews more engaging
  • Recognize the difference between rewards and recognition

Designed For:
 New and potential team leaders or supervisors.

Price:  $125 Member | $165 Non-Member
8/7/2024 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Eastern Daylight Time
Virtual Training
Registration not available.


Early bird pricing is available if registering up to three weeks before most public programs!

Please note - programs scheduled after June 30, 2024 have a minimal price increase.

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